2025 Rates & Reservations

Shir-Roy Camping Area
Shir-Roy Campers
Shir-Roy Campers

At Shir-Roy Camping Area our campsites are well-spaced for privacy, most sites are wooded, while some are along the edge of our field. Each has a picnic table and fireplace.

Special arrangements and rates for groups, youth organizations, and bicyclists can be made with us.

On-site rentals are available for those wishing to try camping before investing in equipment or for those wishing to enjoy camping but who do not have their own equipment.

Site Rentals

Per Day, per family, per car.
(A family is an adult couple and their unmarried children living at home).
These rates may also apply to the first two adults and the first two children.
Tent Site
Tent w/ Electric
RV 30-30 amp
RV 50 amp
Daily $45.00 $50.00 $55.00 $60.00 $65.00
Weekly $270.00 $305.00 $340.00 $375.00 $410.00
Monthly $990.00 $1,140.00 $1,290.00 $1,440.00 $1,590.00
Seasonal Rates available upon request
Water and sewer are included in the site price.
Season: Memorial Day Weekend to Columbus Day. Some pre-season and post-season weekends possible.
Inquire about the weekend prior to Memorial Day or the weekend after Columbus Day.
Holiday weekends additional fees.
Reservations: Site location guaranteed on stays of one week or longer.

Additional Fees

Extra Persons
Adults $8.00 $12.00 - **Holiday & specialty weekends
Children $5.00 $8.00 - **Holiday & specialty weekends
Day Visitors
$20.00 - **Holiday & specialty weekends
Off the Road Dump Station
Equipment Rental
Travel Trailer (for 2) $125.00 per night
Children under 18 • $5.00 per night
Extra Adult • $8.00 per night
Tent Cottage (for 2) $95.00 per night
Children under 18 • $5.00 per night
Extra Adult • $8.00 per night
Equipped Tent Trailer (for 2) $95.00 per night
Children under 18 • $5.00 per night
Extra Adult • $8.00 per night
One night’s cash fee required for security deposit on Rentals, plus applicable NH taxes
All reservations for 3 nights or less paid in full. 50% on all reservations of 4 nights or more.
Holiday Weekends
Minimum of 3 days, paid in full in advance.
Cancellation Policy
More than 14 days = refund of deposit
7-14 days = refund less one night's fee
Less than 7 days - no refund.
Boat Docking
Daily $1.00 Weekly $5.00
Boat Rentals
Canoes/Kayaks/Rowboats $6.00/hour
2 Seat Kayaks $10.00/hour
Paddle Boats $6.00 per half hour

Reservation Request Form

We will contact you via phone within 48 hours of our receipt of your reservation request.

You are encouraged to use the following online form in order to request a reservation for either campsites or rental facilities at Shir-Roy Camping Area. Please complete this entire form prior to pressing the "Submit" button. Items marked with an asterisk (*) indicate required fields. Please understand that this is strictly a Reservation Request Form. You DO NOT have an actual reservation until it has been confirmed, and a reservation cannot be confirmed until you have been contacted by telephone.

If you need to confirm your reservation immediately or would like to make a reservation for an arrival within less than 48 hours, please call us during normal business hours, 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Preseason, we recommend calling us in the evening between 6:00 and 9:00 PM.

We look forward to welcoming you to Shir-Roy Camping Area!

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Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: Youd ma8y 2be making uase0 7oef cautomeated form-fi0lling sco98ftwarce. Th6isc typec of sofd61tware 43dc1an 0tri5g4fger 7eobur hfi3de9den spfam-1d1c6fete88ction syst7ecm, which will bl0ock you 2from su8bm86ditt7ing t3hi9es2 f0orm. 5Please sea1lect Fix Thffia1sfe4edc3 c2baf874978002b65b2eebef56e883o03d7e5rdfe9cc9196 e918508d8515013be0c85om0pf1b41let98in2g00 tb2c9he 70foa5drem4 i8n orede1r to88 co4rreec8a646d212c0t748 atf7h5e66 p9ro896bcl0ce7fm.b
Important: Yoeu mayb2 bb4e making duse of au8tocmate7d 5f7orm-filldina4g softwacre. bT2hcisc type of s722obftware can trigger ou5fr hidaden spcamf-deteection s0cy1sbtem, whcich wia1ll block you froem subm3itting this 33fo82rmf.b It 5appears that the problemdb co3euld not be automa9tidc6ally corrected. Please clebar any field wh5ich apbpears2 below with corresp3aond3cing instructi00on6s9cfa6b4022c8838 bc59e14b86365cfc71f3d2bb5b119e9f15befocdf0dcbr7e 14abd75918com5pdled4tin0g t1h3e foram din obrder to 7correct t41hbee prboa9bleaecm. We9d 5aap2ol6og2icbze for 1th9e 7dein38cfodn2e9venience andc 4we appr7ec1ia0545te yof1ur 7una40de452rstandin7g.19
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Important: 5You m7ay be makcieana9g 4used oef auto87ma2ted 81fo5r0me5-fi5lling2 s8oftwd8are. T3his 1type oaf software can 7trigger 1oaur hbi0d6den spam-de1tection system4, which will4 blo9ck yfou efrom submittincg5 5bthe8ise 5cfor6m. Please se28lect 15Fa05ixa Th261i5b5asc8fb897b3 bba708e257a597fad7078ee2d2o39dfabc3r8e873e5c2bc99d964 e6d1439791co1bdma7plde92t55i1n4g theab d5for6bm i27n 14oa7475drd6e1ecbr t8od cord54re0d3cct7 3atc3ahc0de8f 9prob4lac7e7m1e.4
Important: You 8ma98y be 8making2 use o5f a39utomated 2for8m1-dfi40lling7a software. This tfypde e6of sof8tware can t9rigger 8our hidden spbam-det44ection sy8stem, which will block y6o5u 00from s3ubmi5tctinb1g this feorm. I0t appear88s3 7athat the prob4lem c5o1uld not bee a5uto1mdaatically correctee5d. Pl1eas5e clear anay7 field which appears above with corres9pondain51g8 instructicons46ecb08b3da2c3720b435a8 317b55de455f02co2a317re231ee050bd53 de1ba298ffb7ecoa73m6p41let7628i2ng the forc1m9 inc order 3tbo cfocrer0ec7te7 the problem. We70 ap35oc4logizea8 fod5r t5he dincoddan57venience a5nd6e fwe 3ap13prfcec2iate 138your 5unde9e14r33s3tandindg.c
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.

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